• Websites

  • Inventory

  • Procurement

  • IT Services 

SME Portal provides business support services to help your business thrive!

At SME Portal, we are dedicated to enhancing the value chain of your business. We understand that running a business efficiently demands mastery of various disciplines, which can be overwhelming for individual entrepreneurs or lead to significant expenses when building an in-house team. We recognise that there's no one-size-fits-all solution for every business; each one is unique and faces its own set of challenges.

Limited time, expertise, and financial resources can hinder your ability to compete effectively.

Common Challenges Businesses Face:

  1. Resource Constraints: Limited time, expertise, and financial resources can hinder your ability to compete effectively.

  2. Inefficient Processes: Outdated systems and workflows can lead to inefficiencies, affecting your bottom line.

  3. Market Competition: Staying ahead in a competitive market requires constant innovation and strategic thinking.

  4. Technology Integration: Integrating and managing technology can be complex and costly.

Possible Improvements and Growth:

At SME Portal, we offer solutions that address these challenges and empower your business to thrive:

  1. Resource Optimization: We provide expert guidance and outsourced services, allowing you to tap into a wealth of knowledge without the need for an extensive in-house team. This optimization minimizes stress levels and maximizes efficiencies.

  2. Process Streamlining: Our consulting services help you identify and eliminate bottlenecks, streamlining your operations for improved productivity and profitability.

  3. Strategic Insights: With our support, you gain access to strategic insights and innovative solutions that can help you stay ahead of the competition, adapt to market changes, and grow your market share.

  4. Technology Solutions: We offer IT services to simplify technology integration and ensure your business operates smoothly in the digital age.

At SME Portal, we tailor our solutions to fit your specific needs, ensuring that you can focus on growing your business without the stress of managing every aspect internally. With us, you can optimize your business's efficiency and effectiveness, freeing up your time and resources to drive growth. Join us in your journey toward a more efficient, competitive, and successful business. Let SME Portal be your partner in growth."

Is your website adding value to your business?

Having an online presence for your business in the form of a website is extremely important to reaching audiences you would not otherwise reach.

We can help if : Your business does not have a website, you need an upgrade of your current site,

lack of valuable content or you don't have time to update and maintain your site

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Procurement gone wrong? - what it's doing to your bottom line?

Procurement plays a vital role in the success of your business. Often procurement is neglected and an area like sales or debtors is given more attention and resources. Procurement is seen as a department that simply needs to get the products at the lowest price, but there is so much more to it. Rogue purchases, poor procurement processes, poor supplier performance and lack of digital systems lead to overall inefficiencies within procurement. 

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Is your Inventory holding giving you an advantage?

The main purpose of holding inventory is to give you an advantage over your competitors and ultimately meet your customer's demands. When this inventory is mismanaged the advantage is turned into a disadvantage, in fact it becomes a major weakness in your business. Holding too much or too little stock, major discrepancies between system and physical stock, and shrinkages are just some of the problems that are a result of mismanaged inventory

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IT systems can improve the way you do business

You may be getting by with the manual systems or  the older IT solutions your business has been using. As a general rule any system in a business needs to be audited regularly to ensure there's no redundancy. Such an assessment can not only remove legacy systems that are costing the company money but also improve the competitiveness of the business, by offering value to your customer. 

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What some of our customers say...

Your business support partner

You can think of us as your business support partner, someone you can count on when you need it most. Our approach is designed with you the customer in mind. Our aim is to provide services that add value to your business.

Get in touch with us and let's see how we can improve your business

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